Thursday 6 February 2014

Brownfield site versus greenfield site

Many environments believe that new developments should be on built Brownfield sites- that is land within the built-up area that has been abandoned and is now lying idle- rather that on Greenfield sites.

With all land uses, there are arguments for and against each type of site.

Brownfield site advantages:  
  • Reduces the loss of countryside and land that might be put to agricultural or recreational use
  • Helps to revive old and disused urban areas
  • Services such as water, electricity, gas and sewage already in place
  • Located nearer to main areas of employment so commuting reduced 
Brownfield site disadvantages:

  • Often more expensive because old buildings have to be cleared and land made free of pollution 
  • Often surrounded by rundown areas so does not appeal to more wealthy people as residential locations 
  • Higher levels of pollution; less healthy 
Greenfield site advantages:

  • Relatively cheap and rates of house building is faster  
  • The layout is not hampered by previous development so can easily be made efficient and pleasant 
  • Healthier environment 
Greenfield site disadvantages:

  • Valuable farm or recreational space lost
  • Attractive scenery lost
  • Wildlife and their habitats lost or disturbed 
  • Development causes noise and light pollution in the surrounding countryside 
  • Encourages suburban sprawl 

A brownfield site

A greenfield site

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